Herring Factory Game Level [WIP]

Hi Everyone,

I have recently started to do a bit of work in Unity. At present I am building up my portfolio and trying to get some more game related images into it. (I have a simulation background). I came up with the idea of creating a game level, and showcasing it using the Web Player, which I can integrate straight into my website.

I am taking this project one step at a time, and just seeing what I can achieve on my own really. My first milestone is just to create the level, and be able to walk around in the web player. Which I have managed to do already (just need to finish off the modelling and texturing though)

But the more I work with Unity and see what others have achieved makes me want to do a lot more than just be able to walk around my level, what about a title screen?, it would be cool to put it on the iphone for instance? I then start thinking about turning it into a working game with characters etc.

I am creating this level in my spare time so don’t really expect it to progress very quickly, but I am just branching out and seeing how far I can get in unity. Any ideas/Comments would be particular welcomed.

Anyway here is what I have so far it is not much, but here goes. You can also follow the progress of my level on my blog

I have been really busy the last few weeks on other things, however I have still managed to fit in a bit of texturing on my Game Level, there are still a few issues that I have to iron out such as the texture joins where each of the different tiles meet but they should easily be fixed.

As you can see I still have the roof supports to finish off, however I am thinking of doing some kind of crane type thing that can run up and down the hall, making use of the two trenches.

As always there are further images on my blog and you can read about my progress

I have finally decided on what I am going to do with regards the two trenches running down the length of the main hall. I have made a Robotic arm that can run up and down the hall on a rail, I will have two of these one for each side of the hall, that will just move crates and stuff around.

Here is a clip of the robotic arm modelled and rigged in 3Ds Max, I still need to unwrap and texture it. However, I think it will present a new challenge for me to put it into Unity and make it actually work.

In the mean time keep updated on my blog with other stuff that I am currently working on.

You’re off to a good start Mark. Reference some construction books or websites to see where joists are placed to support the roof.

The pipes are a nice element but why are they going from the floor to the roof to the floor? Again, referencing some construction books on the hows and whys of plumbing will give you some ideas on how to lay them out.

Nice start, I see a lot of potential in the work so far.

Thanks Ryan, You can ignore the joists that are shown I’m not using them at all, I was trying to work out what to do with the robotic arm things, before I settled on anything, just needed something to hold up the platforms on the sides.

As for the pipes, I don’t really know why they are done that way, they were based on a couple of images that I found on google, and I quite liked the effect of having them raised over head, but they are open to change and can be easily moved around.

Good start. Agree with RyanB, you need to reference.

My biggest criticism would be your symmetry, if you look at buildings that have been around for a while you see things like where alterations have been made – the odd bricked up window, a broken/cracked pane, new doorways/partition, a mixture of old and new machinery, a new part on an old machine – you get the idea.

Light too, factories tend to have skylights/translucent panels in the roof, and water everywhere – hoses for clean-downs, safety equipment – big red stop buttons/fire alarms.

Looking forward to your updates.


Nothing wrong with having them in the ceiling, but having a motivation for having them there would sell the environment as being a real place.

Pipes always have a reason for being there. If there is a sprinkler system, there will be mains that supply the water and heads that feed off the main. A hot water tank will have pipes feeding it from a supply. A bathroom will have a cold water and hot water supply. A herring factory would need a water supply to clean up the guts from the fish.

An example:

Pumps. Insulated line suggesting hot water inside. Pressurized tank with mechanical supports above. I don’t know what it specifically does but it looks real and had a purpose.

You don’t have to be 100% technically accurate, but if you have a motivation for things being there it will help sell your level and tell a story.

That’s Some nice work there! Good Job!

Thanks Deadduck,

I totally agree with you Ryan/BigArt, that image is one of my inspiration images that I am working from hence the ‘Herring Factory’. I think were getting too far ahead of what I have actually done so far. I plan to model all the smaller details in, such as lights, smaller pipes, boilers, alarms etc etc as and when I get some free time. So far I have only done a wall and a pipe really (Oh and a Door that you can’t see on the screen grab!)

Thanks for the crits though, and at least I know I have the same opinioin as others on the sort of direction that I want to go with it, just finding the time to get to work on it really and build it up.