hey guys i want to spawn

hey guys how do i instantiate a game object so that it only spawns in the spawn point and it does not have a vactor 3 needed becous it stays at the spawnpoint

it would be like this i think

var target1 :Gameobject var destination : Transform;

function Update() { if( Input.GetKeyDown( "1" ) ){

instantiate("GameObject"),transform.position = destination.position;

i repeat i dont need a rigid body to the spawned object becous that it will be effected by the gravity i dont want that

First, read this article: http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/Object.Instantiate.html

You made few mistakes in instantiate line.

So better code is:

var prefab:Transform;
var spawn_point:Transform; //==destination

function Update()
  if( Input.GetKeyDown( "1" ) )
    Instantiate(prefab, spawn_point.position, Quaternion.identity);
    //U can use any rotation instead of Quaternion.identity
    //e.g. spawn_point.rotation

If you dont want rigidbody create new prefab without this component and all instantiated objects will be without rigidbody.