Hey Guys. Looking to start up a Unity 3d Indie YouTube Channel


So yeah, as it says in the title, i’m going to be starting up a You tube channel to show off and broadcast all the great games our community has made in Unity.

Why do I want to do this?

The reason why I want to this is because i have been working with Unity for about 6-8 months, learning some bits and bobs here and there. I know the basics and stuff and have started doing some solo projects myself and recently joined a team to work on single player sci fi fps game. It’s going well, still got a while to go, but enough of that. I want to do this so it gives solo people working on projects and small teams way to show off their games a bit easier.

I’ve only recently moved into the Indie Gaming scene, but my goal is to help other Indie Game makers and hobbyists advertise the Indie Game market. I love everything about it, and if i can help other gamers and general pc users more aware of the Indie scene it would be cool.

Why I think i can do this?

Because when i’m not working, i have plenty of free time and would love to see what other Indie developers ave made in Unity. I can act as a way to help people show off their work. I have good enough equipment and a an eye for amazing ideas in games whether they are “AAA Quality” or not.

What do i need?

Basically the only thing i need is for small team and / or indie developers in Unity to approach me with their games, whether they are complete or works in progress, (alpha / beta) and they just want feedback and i can help them out, by playing through their games, looking at the pro’s con’s, helping them test out the game play and help with the QA whilst broadcasting on you tube.

If anyone’s interested in extra help testing through their game and maybe a spotlight to show off what they have done, message me here on Unity forums or reply to my thread.


Do you have link to your channel? Any current showcases.

How do you plan to advertise your existence on youtube? Just on Unity forums?

Just questions as I may send you a piece later on down the track

I do not have any current showcases no, but i’m just starting out and will have some by the end of this week. I have 2 days off work wednesday / thursday so i can get some showcases up and running then.

Advertisement, i do plan on the majority of it on these forums as the main focus will be Unity based games, but I will be advertising on some of the major Indie Game sites like: indie db, gamejolt, Reddit and indie pub games. Of course this is just to start with and i’ll increase advertisement the further down the road.

Sounds good. I’ll get some ideas of how i would like to start it off and then i’ll post my channel description later in the week.

Have you made any videos before? Do you know what youre doing? Are you reviewing games, or are you playing games and recording?

I’ve seen some terrible video reviews/reviewers around… personally I wouldnt want to get a video made unless I thought it was going to be good.

Guess it could fall down to any publicity is good publicity :stuck_out_tongue:

All he has to do is release a stuttering video and your game looks like sh*t, so no not really.

Yes, I think it’s best you show s what you can do first in terms of video editing and game reviewing.
Some people have been burnt in the past with really bad voice over and video that makes their game look crap.

I see what you guys are saying. Well, yea i have made videos before. It’s was going to be like both, i was just focusing and playing the game and recording for like 10-15 minutes, and then basically just talk about what i like about the game, and what i don’t like too much, and then how I think they could improve it.

The recording quality will be perfect, as i can record at 1080p with 60 fps on most AAA games, with this Mirillis Action Software so Unity should be fine.
So James, you think because some guy doing a “review” released a stuttering video on a game that you would look at that its shit not going near that?
I’m glad to see you have common sense >_>

I agree with James - in the case of AAA games, there are often hundreds/thousands of review and gameplay videos, so a stuttering review could be easily forgiven - but imagine if this review was the ONLY video of the game? It certainly could turn some people away from it.

But the other side of the argument is that it may put your game in front of people who wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise - which could then generate more publicity/better videos.

I don’t know - there’s a balance there somewhere… But I know that I’ve been dissuaded from purchasing products before simply because I didn’t like the reviewers personality. I know that’s a pretty stupid reason, but it does happen.

Edit: Don’t take what I said the wrong way - I say go for it, it’s a great idea. Unless the review/video is extremely bad, the publicity benefits will outweigh the risk.

Well, considering that sentence barely makes grammatical sense, you’ve outlined the fact that not everyone is going to be cut out to make a decent review video.

You have to realise that for most people working on an indie title, its probably their baby, and the last thing they want is bad publicity… Sure there’s the argument that any is better than none, but in a market that doesnt want to buy your indie game because its not AAA, you have to be careful with what does come out.

It would suit me to have someone else review my game and upload videos about it, but because I obviously have common sense… it wont be you.

side note: Insulting people that bring legitimate concerns to the table is not going to win you any favours.

A stuttering video or crappy review reflects poorly on a game, especially for a little known indie game. If it’s the only review someone sees of that game, it can hurt it more rather than promote it. Association in many cases has a very powerful impact on the human psyche

Just because you can record at 1080p with 60FPS it doesn’t mean the video is going to be good. You’ll need cover the audio side of the video just as well to keep them entertained.

BTW 10-15 minutes sounds a bit long. While this may work for AAA quality eye candy like Battlefield etc… a small indie game will need a quick, punchline sort of review highlighting the key points. I seriously doubt unless you are extremely gifted at talking and entertaining that anybody will sit and watch a 10-15 minute indie game review.

Keep it short. <5 minutes, high tempo, and to the point.

Hello Kazzack,

I think it’s a great idea, but I think asking some people on here their opinion is not going to work out how you expect.
Some people will give you good advice and others don’t.

I personally would like to watch video reviews on games made with Unity.

I’m sure the first few videos you make will need some improvements like most things. And don’t worry about that, as you know these things are easy to improve on. Video editing is easy and don’t believe anyone who tells you its not, and that it’s a form of art bla bla bla

From what you have said you haven’t mentioned if the game developers will have to pay you for making the review.

PM me a link to a test video review and I will give you my honest opinion. I have some ideas I would like to share with you too.

Hold off posting the video on here for a while.

Chat soon

Why would he expect us to pay him? If he had 500 000 youtube followers that may be possible. Not going to happen for somebody that’s new to this.

@Meltdown I would like to simply know of his plans, maybe he wants to charge later. I see your point meltdown but that would also depend on how much he would charge, if he charged £10.00, then what?

if for £10.00 you received 1000 views is it worth it?

or how much is 500000 followers worth?

I don’t bother becoming a follower ever on youtube, but is my view still counted? am i a potential customer?

Also what if he charges you now £10.00, and only has a few followers, but in a years time he has grown to become huge, 100000 followers, and now wants to charge £200.00, well then you got yourself a bargain didn’t you because those followers will be watching past reviews too.

How much would you pay for x amount of view meltdown?

start the channel, put some videos up, if your any good the internet will find you and throw games at you… but you have to be really good. Good luck

A charge sounds like a bribe.