Hey guys

Hello readers I have decided to stay with Unity for the foreseeable future, Don’t get me wrong
But I have problems with Unity sometimes, I really do but I just know if im wanting to not give
UDK or anything else a chance but I am thinking about staying with unity but I do know
So if you guys hear from me then im sorry for that
the nothing may be geting passed on to who ever wants it, I really just think about keeping my stuff
But im entirely for sure so hang in there with me for the long time, I not going to anywhere
and let me know what you think…

Got your days worth of trolling in today?

This possibly couldn’t be from this could it? http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/181744-Good-Bye-Guys

UDK is better if you have a million dollars and don’t know how to program.


Khyrid… Stop, think about it. If you love him, you’ll let him go.

Haha, excellent.

Made my day, lol :smile:

Needs more Buts…