hi noobie here :D

im making a mobile game, now i have a UI button to “fire”, but what do i have to script so when i pressing the screen the player would shoot? need some refrance Ty [ i sreached on youtube and didnt found something helpful]

There are an abundance of tutorials on YouTube for this kind of thing. They two main ways of “shooting” are usually ray casting or using projectiles. RayCasts are instantaneous, although you can still use them with a bit of maths to calculate bullet travel etc. Although using projectiles are usually preferred for this method. A projectile is essentially a GameObject that gets instantiated when you “shoot” and travels in a chosen direction and a specified speed.

I know I haven’t answered your question directly but you will find tutorials all over for creating projectiles, and RayCast guns. If you try a method and find you are still having problems post your script here and I’ll be happy to help further.

This exactly ^ ^ ^ Work through three or four separate tutorials, it will become pretty obvious. Most tutorials for such a simple thing are really short and sweet.