Hide Mobile Input "iOS only"

Hey guys,

I am just wondering if anyone knows of a work around for hiding the input text field that appears above the keyboard on Android. If I remember correctly at some point the option “Hide Mobile Input” would work on Android and it would hide the input field but it seems that it no longer works. I am using unity pro v5.3.4p6.


You can maybe fill out a bug report - It’s supposed to work…

BTW. You will need that if you want to support copy/paste into the text field.

Hope you get it working.


I did fill out a bug report, unity got back to me yesterday saying that it is working as intended. They also linked me directly to the documentation where it states that is “iOS Only”. Take a look:

Ah I’m sorry i never noticed that iOS bit before.

Maybe you can hack the unity player by looking into the Java assembly locating the keyboard activity or widget hiding it using a plugin. In my plugin Camera Capture Kit I have enumerated stuff inside the Unity player activity using reflection - however it’s not trivial since you have to guess what the members are based on their types since the names is encrypted as a,b,c,d,e,f… and so on…