I tried to use
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.statusBarHidden = true;
but not working cuz it’s a UnityEditor namespace which does not allow Android build
is there any other way to access the status bar thing
for both Android and iOS
even Rather than writing a plugin, please ??
Take a look at this repo: GitHub - HuaYe1975/UnityStatusBarForiOS: Unity plugin for ios to show/hide status bar
They somehow override functionality from #include “UnityViewControllerBaseiOS.h” if I got it right.
Tested it with iOS 11, Unity 5.6.4p4 and Xcode9 and it works like a charm with that setup. If you use Unity 2017 or higher you will need to replace
#include “UnityViewControllerBaseiOS.h”
#include “UnityViewControllerBase.h”
in StatusBarViewController.mm.
create class in xcode and paste following code. than use it in unity project
#import "StatusBar.h"
@implementation StatusBar
+ (void) hideStatusBar: (BOOL)hide
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden: hide
withAnimation: UIStatusBarAnimationSlide];
[UnityGetGLViewController() setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];
extern "C"
void StatusBarSwitcherPressed(bool isHide)
[StatusBar hideStatusBar: isHide];
Hi guys,
I made a asset for this, it is possible to have a toggleable full screen mode.
Mobile Status & Navigation bar