Hide/ unhide objects with Metaio Mobile SDK plugin

Hi, is anybody working here with the Metaio Mobile SDK plugin for Augmented Reality? I want to simple hide / unhide (game) objects. I did a lot of tests but right now, nothing is working for me…
I have a simple mesh object in my scene, named “test”. Now I came up with this

var test = GameObject.Find("test");
test.renderer.enabled = false;

I placed this in a new JS start function and the script on an game object in the scene. So actually the script works, when I hit the play button, my test object is not visible. Changing to “true” and my object is visible. However, when I build the project and run it on iPad, the same script does not work.
I also looked for other solutions, deactivating the game object does work, but as I red its not possible to activate an object.
thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

edit: it seems that its not possible to disable the mesh renderer. why?

It should be possible to hide objects this way on mobile devices.
I’ve done this already and also in combination with the metaio mobile sdk.

Is there something else in your scene that could affect it?

I also had some difficulties to show/hide an object. I’ve tried sphere.renderer.enabled = false/true; but it didn’t work.

Finally, I’ve used sphere.active = false / true;