Hierarchy Folders

All the preferences are currently stored in EditorPrefs and as such are indeed user specific. It’s a very good point that this doesn’t actually make sense for many of the preferences, such as the auto-naming or stripping stuff.

I’ll refactor to change this behavior, moving at least some of the preferences under project settings and saving them as an asset.

Thanks for the feedback!

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I submitted a new update to the asset store for approval with this behavior changed. Preferences will be saved under Assets/Sisus/Hierarchy Folders/Project Settings once the update has been installed.

If you’d like to get your hands on the update without waiting for it to pass approval first just let me know and I can send it to you.

@SisusCo Very cool - thanks for being so responsive again - that’s very good of you indeed :slight_smile:

Yes, please on getting early eyes on the update. If you can ping it across to colin@bitquirky.io that would be most wonderful!

@Colin_MacLeod The new version should now be in your inbox.

Yes, ideedy. THANK YOU!

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Just purchased this and can’t wait to give it a shot. Hopefully it would help with the near infinite scrolling in the hierarchy. :smile:

@pbritton You have come to the right place, sounds like just the thing that hierarchy folders can help you with :slight_smile:

All feedback is most welcome by the way, I’m always interested in learning how the hierarchy workflow/integration feels or if anything could be improved further.


Hi @SisusCo
Will Remove From Build work with Unity Cloud build? If not what are the steps I need to do to configure it?


Hi there @mostlyapt - thanks for the great question!

I have not tested Hierarchy Folders with Unity Cloud Build, but I don’t see any reason why build stripping wouldn’t function perfectly fine with it. The stripping occurs during the internal PostProcessScene callback that is part of the normal build pipeline, so I am confident that it would also work with Unity Cloud Build without any special configuration necessary.

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Thank you!


For every scene load in editor I am getting error as shown in the attached screen shot. Can you let me know what might be the cause?


Hi, I’m very sorry to hear you’ve encountered issues!

It looks like Awake is called for a hierarchy folder but the scene containing it is not actually yet loaded, which seems to result in an exception when Scene.GetRootGameObjects is called. I’m guessing that you’re using async scene loading (possibly combined with allowSceneActivation=false) which I didn’t think to test.

I’ll start working on a fix immediately.

I was not able to reproduce the issue yet using async scene loading in the Unity version I’m using.

I found an entry in the unity issue tracker that seems to claim this issue was fixed back in Unity 2017.2.0f3. What version of Unity are you using?

UPDATE: So I wasn’t able to replicate the issue in any Unity version I tested, not sure what could be causing the disparity. I still went ahead and slightly tweaked how play mode stripping works to hopefully get rid of the issue. I sent you a PM with the new altered version. Hope it helps!

After applying update, configured folder hierarchy in the scene is getting flattened out completely, i.e. whenever I close and open the scene. I am using 2019.3.10f1 version of Unity Editor.

I’m glad to hear that the update got rid of the exception!

So this sounds like everything is now working as intended if I understand you correctly? Play mode stripping behavior can be configured in the preferences. By default hierarchy folders are entirely removed in play mode as they are in builds.

Actually, all the folders are removed and replaced by empty object versions that you get during playmode in the editor itself. I haven’t entered the playmode yet and if I close and open a scene again, all the folder hierarchy is gone and it gets all jumbled up.

Ugh, now I see what you’re talking about. A reused list wasn’t being properly cleared after use in one place, resulting in the rather major side effect you mentioned when using certain preferences. Sorry about that! I’ll submit a hotfix to the asset store and send it to you in a PM.

Hi there, great asset, but I’m having a problem. It seems like Build Stripping is removing my entire static-marked level residing within the folder. The game works in the editor, but not in build. When I move my static-marked level outside of the folder into root, the game works in build. I tried disabling Build Stripping but it never seems to remember that setting, it keeps rechecking itself to true. I’ve decided to move the static level out of the folder for now so I can build the game.

Hi there @IgnisIncendio !

Would it be possible for you to send me a project that can be used to reproduce the build stripping issue?

I was able to replicate the issue with the Apply Changes button in preferences. Changes actually did get saved to disk, but the preferences window would still use a reference to the old asset when checking for unapplied changes. I’ll push out an update with this fixed.

Hi team,
It seems that the folders reverse back to GameObject when within a prefab. Is it correct, or am I doing something wrong?
I am using 2019.3.15f1
Please let me know what you think.