Hierarchy2 for Unity3d

Hierarchy2 is a powerful extension to add the most demanding features to Hierarchy panel packed in a single, lightweight, concise and commented C# source code that fully integrated into Unity Editor.

Website / FAQ / Bug report / WIP thread / What’s New, Tutorial, and Help

Things was going since my last update, check out the release forum post for more information, I’m trying to clean up this thread and provide only works that are in progress for upcomming releases

NEW Features in v1.3

Traverse to Parent and Back (shortcuts set to left and right square brackets [ ])

Look through this Camera

Capture SceneView Camera

Very interested, I would love to try it.

Hello LightSource, thanks for your interest, I’ve sent you a PM with the beta version. Check it out ! :slight_smile:

I will try it as soon as lenovo gives me my computer back (sheepish grin). I didn’t realize you would acually give me a beta, sorry on my part. Any chance of you putting it on the asset store?

I already put a package in the assetstore but it’s under reviewing, it will normally takes 3 or more days to complete.

It was a bit long, but finally it’s live !!! Updated post with a link to Forum thread / AssetStore link / Website

Excellent, congratulations! I just got my computer back, so I can finally try this out.

An update (v1.1.0) is on the way (still in Asset Store processing queue) adding several more interesting features. In the mean time you can check out the Change Log / Tutorial / Help on product’s website Hierarchy2 ( You definitely must have a look, I put a lot of effort for this Tutorial / Documentation thing :smile: )

Another update is in progress, too. Adding even more interesting feature requested around the world :smile:

I’m super excited to announce that Isolate modes is now supported in Hierarchy2, here is a quick demonstration. It will still takes several more days to clean up the documentation and the update to be available on AssetStore


Looks cool!

I think think one button under Isolate should be “Reset” or “None”. It seems a bit unintuitive to have to click the search clear.

thanks landon91235 :slight_smile:

It’s funny, as intitally I put it under Isolate / Reset but later on found that it might be cost a few clicks just to clear so try to simulate the search funtion by adding the text and the close button. Maybe I should add it back in next version :slight_smile:

Just FYI, version 1.1.0 is approved today on Asset Store , and version 1.2.0 is already on the queue

Good point. Not sure what you should do now.

My main problem is that it’s not clear on how to reset the “Isolate” command. I could see many people searching around for that button, when it’s hidden in plain sight.

Maybe a dedicated “Reset” button someone within the editor instead of the menus?

Thanks Landon, I will think about it.

And finally version 1.2.0 is LIVE with Isolate mode support ! Anyone has any suggestions you would like to be in the next version ?

Got first comment and 5 star today on Asset Store, thanks Jess :slight_smile:

btw, version 1.3 is on the way with some more interesting features, still have some road blockers to solve before putting it onto the store but I’m trying my best.

And special thanks to our customers for supporting it :slight_smile:

One of the upcomming v1.3 features

**Traverse to Parent and Back (**shortcuts set to left and right square brackets [ ])

Heard about this from Flipbookee. This looks really useful :slight_smile: will be checking it out.

Is it possible to filter/isolate game objects that have a particular monobehavior script?

There are several more isolate modes I planed to add on the next version 1.3, and this one will be in of course. Actually I can add isolation by an arbitrary criteria, so if there are any isolate modes you want to have, just raise your voice here !

btw, thanks Flipbookee for the great work !

Funny, It’s actually implemented in v1.2 but I forgot that it was, the Filter Script is what you’ve requested. Here is a quick demonstration