higgyB photo petition

I was wondering if we could start a petition to get Tom to change his picture?

Mostly kidding…

We could defenitely start a petition like that.

also sortof kidding, but less than Colin.

He normally looks like this …

So at least he’s standing still in the current picture.


He changed his picture a while ago, then nearly all the forum members wanted him to change it back again to what it was (actual avatar) - now, for what i’m concerned, i like that picture. And yes, i liked also the other pictures he used.
Not kidding.
He’s our Tom, he’s our HiggyB. He HAS to keep those type of avatars :smile:

@DaveyJJ: c’mon, our man Tamada (pictured in your post) aint got nothin’ on me:

Yes, that’s really me. 8)

I was stunned at how many PMs and IMs I got over that, I quickly (and happily) reverted back to please the masses. :slight_smile:

Would this be any better as an avatar?


LOL!!! thats so funny to see this thread… I was just saying yesterday that his avatar makes him look really stoned or very very drunk :lol: :smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s because he was!

That was taken at our New Year’s party I think. I like the picture ^-^

Very nice bike shot, as to the mohawk thing going on, ummmm Im not so sure. big grin I would rather have the bike shot, then your punk shot. chuckles

I love the punk picture!
“Rock ‘n’ Roll” 8)

Sadly Caitlyn, it wasn’t. That photo was taken during a New Year’s party with friends out here in California. And oddly enough, it was taken well before I was even remotely intoxicated, I’m just goofy like that at times. :slight_smile:

The mohawk ruled and I may do it again, good times right there!

I prefer the mohawk pic. 8)

Can I add this request on our new Wish List section :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I second that :smile:

Catch up man, User Voice! Put it up and vote!

Ok, no, don’t. :slight_smile:

I’ll leave this thread (before my vacation departure) with a hearty “cheers” image:

The HB on the stein obviously referring to HiggyB :wink:

Now that is a great picture for your avatar!

Funny threat :slight_smile:

I think you can keep the old pic, I have lots of friends who look like this all the time :lol:

(ps: maybe I should change my image too?)

Now see THAT is a very nice image :slight_smile:

Who has nothing this year on NORIYUKI HAGA. Is Ducati really running away with the points this year? :smile:

PS. Is that really you, or Troy Bayliss?

Great Success!