I have this issue that confuses me a lot:
I’m developing a mobile game using Unity 2019.1.14f and am currently testing the game’s performance on device.
First I tried to run the game on my iPhone 8 and I’m having solid 60 fps constantly. Then I changed the build target to Android and did run the game on my Huawei P20.
Now the confusing thing is: The on screen fps counter I’m using shows around 13fps, but you don’t even need that to see that the game is lagging like crazy. I’ve attached the Unity Profiler to the device while it is running and the profiler states that the game is running at nearly 60 fps (target framerate is set to 60 for this test). The last time I’ve had this issue was due to me using the post processing stack which threw thousands of exceptions per second on my android phones due to incompatibility issues, but this is not the case here. Using adb logcat there are no errors popping up.
TL,DR: Why is my game running at roughly 12 - 15fps while the profiler states it is running at 60fps ?