High Quality Footsteps

Heey Uniteers!

Through my time of study, my study mates and I have accumulated quite a bit of audio clips, some of which were of quite good quality. We decided to package the best and most useful audio clips which became a footsteps package with more than 600 audio clips, recorded from more than 10 different surfaces.

We are launching the package on the asset store under the name High Quality Footsteps as we feel it would be a useful addition to any developer.

High Quality Footsteps

It features high quality sounds suitable for both walking and running. The shoes used were generic, and the surfaces include creaky wood, hollow wood, dirt, gravel, and even a wet and yucky swamp.

You can check out some samples here in this video

Further details on the audio clips are as follows:

16-bit audio clips with 44.1 kHz sample rate in .WAV format. All tracks are mono and game ready. All audio clips starts and ends in volume zero as to avoid any clipping.

It goes without saying that any feedback is much appreciated. :slight_smile:

So awesome, For 10 bucks this asset is a steal! Came here from /r/UnityAssets!

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Heey Thanks! We hope developers find this product satisfactory for their game development needs.

Still three days left before our introductory price ends. If you are planning on adding footsteps to your game, now is the chance to get a useful footstep sound effect package.

Last day of our introductory price.

It apperas that you can’t just change the price on the asset store from day to day. The introductory price will stay a few more days.

We have reached Top 10 under the audio category. We are pleased to see that people enjoy our work. We can’t wait to see which games will be using our footsteps package.

We have decided at Not Even Entertainment that more people should have access to our High Quality Footstep package. Therefore we have reduced the price so more people can buy our package!

If you have bought High Quality Footsteps, please share how you are using the footsteps! We are much interested in seeing what kind of work it have been used to.

Lot of footsteps packs out there, but I can tell this one is very good quality - separations for walk and run, excellent! I just saw this 5 mins ago and will be pulling the trigger :slight_smile: However was a bit disappointed to see that there is no Snow sounds. Is this something you could possibly add?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Thanks @Jesse_Pixelsmith . We have spend quiet some time figuring out what we as developer desire when we wish to make use of audio assets bundles. Thats why we decided to split up our footsteps packages as much as possible into some logical categories such as walk and run. :slight_smile: We are currently focusing all our efforts into our current game project Midnight Delivery, so we currently have no plans of updating the package in the nearest future. We will however take it up for discussion whether to update our package with even more audio clips, as we are aware that certain types of footsteps are missing, such as snow and metal.

We found some time for HQ Footsteps. We will be adding a bit more stuff! :slight_smile:

@Jesse_Pixelsmith - Your wish for snow footsteps kind of stuck with us. Even though it was never the plan, a couple of months ago, we started looking into adding a bit more to the footsteps package. We too felt the package was lacking snow footsteps.

We will be adding 2 new materials:
All purpose Snow Footsteps, walking and running.
2 different Metal Footsteps, walk only. (But easily usable for running as well)

(ETA: Some time before the 22th of July)

We’re having a few issues with the metal footsteps.

At least the snow foodsteps will be up soon. :slight_smile:

Excuse me, but I can’t open the file I just bought. I tried opening it in Unity and it isn’t working. Don’t buy anything from these people. I just got robbed 10 dollars that I’m probably not gonna get back. Thanks for nothing.