I am looking to make a trailer for my game, and thus I wanted some footage of the actual gameplay. I’m looking for a screen capture software that will actually take decent resolution footage of a game. I’ve tried OBS, but it usually freezes the video or is super low resolution (with both my game and others such as minecraft and lol). ShareX will not even take footage of a game being run, and instead records black.
I’m not sure if these problems are with the software or my hardware. I’ve been trying to run this on the newest computer I have, a year old laptop with 8g of ram and a i5 processor with 4g graphics card, so I’m pretty sure it should be able to handle this kind of thing. If I need to change some settings, let me know what you think will work.
Any other screen capture options to check out on the free - $60 range? I don’t have that much wiggle room in the budget for expensive software that isn’t actually invested in my games, since I’m just a student.