High Quality Truck Models [WIP]

Hello guys,
So since the begging of February I have been working on some quality truck models, which I noticed where missing from the store.

Things about the asset package that I would like to add before publishing it :

  • EU and UK/JAP interior layout
  • Quality Interiors
  • Animated objects
  • Quality exteriors
  • Basic textures (not for game/video use)

Planned trucks :

  • Scania
  • Volvo
  • DAF
  • Man
  • Mercedes
  • Peterbilt
  • Kenworth (maybe)

Note that all of these trucks will be extremely similar and will carry the badges of these companies so you are required to remove or ask for licence for publishing your final products.

Screenshots of my early work :

Update #1
Mercedes trucks added, now detailed texture and interior work is left to do for these trucks.

Update #2
Basic texturing and picture of the trucks that have been imported to Unity correctly side by side.
Click here for the album at imgur
Note : Textures not done yet, neither are the models finished. Lot’s of work and small improvements. And yes, I will need to add mirrors and design the UK layouts too.

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looks cool

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nice work. expected polycount?

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It is around 25k tris without the detailed interiors. I will probably do some tricks to lower the polycount for mobile devices.

Purchased (if available)! :slight_smile:
Please don’t cut down the polycount of the interior. Unfortunately, not even one vehicle on the asset store has a decent interior…

Any estimate when it’ll be finished?

Hello and thanks! The interior is (imo) the best thing of these trucks. Although today I just finished some of the porting from Blender to Unity of my Mercedes Benz 2014 trucks with some interiors for them. The textures are on of my biggest concerns and to get them to work with vehicle physics assets. May I ask if you were to purchase this asset, how much you would be willing to pay ? :slight_smile: Estimated time of released in asset store will be early to mid summer.

The first American truck I’ve done for this asset!
Tbh it looks awful in a lot of places and there is still room for much improvement!

ETA? No matter what price this i’m buying this once its on the asset store.