High score saving issue with Get Component between three scripts

First, teh script that counts the score

#pragma strict
public var NewScore : float;
public var Score : float;

function Start(){
		Score = Time.time;

	function OnGUI () {
    	GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 500, 20), "Score : " + NewScore);
function Update () {
	NewScore = Time.time - Score;

In the same scene is a separate null that will save the data

#pragma strict
public var NewScore2 : float;

function Awake(){

function Update () {
	NewScore2 = GetComponent(GUI_Demo).NewScore;

And on the scene after that, you display teh score.

#pragma strict
public var Finalscore : float;

function Start(){
	Finalscore = GetComponent(DontDestroy).NewScore2;

function OnGUI () {
    GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 200, 20), "Your score is : " + Finalscore);
    GUI.Label (Rect (10, 30, 200, 20), "Press space to play again");

function Update () {

	if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space)){
		Application.LoadLevel ("demo");

Problem. It keeps saying that

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
DontDestroy.Update () (at Assets/scripts/DontDestroy.js:9)

change DontDestroyOnLoad(this); to DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);. Using “this” is saying dont destroy the script, however loading the scene will still destroy the gameobject

Don;t destoy on load. Can do.

Anyway, I figured out my issue. I wanted static variables, not public.

Although…I do have the unforseen problem of multiple Dont Destroy objects on the level upon replaying. I mean it shouldn’t overload anything until you play like 700 times in a row…but still that is an issue.

Any way to somehow remove any “clones” that might spring up?

EDIT: Nevermind. I moved Dont Destroy to be on teh splash page, not the level itself.