Highlight Button not working

It was working before I made the script, then put it into the main camera and also change the input cancel to pause. I was following this video(Unity 5 2D Platformer Tutorial - Part 10 - Creating a Pause Menu (part 1) - YouTube) but the highlight stop working for me at the end. I tried to make another button unrelated to the script and main camera but it still didn’t work. I also downloaded a button example project and that one seem to work. I am thinking that it has something to do with input but I compare the input for both project and I don’t see any differences.

Did what you told me and when I went to concole/Clear on play I saw that it wanted me to make an input Cancel which I change to Pause. So i change that back and use an extra input and change that one to pause instead after that everything seems to work again. Thank you