Hindi paired words are not supported without any type of unicode in unity.

Hindi like a few other languages requires shaping which is a text preprocess whereby certain glyphs are re-ordered.

Until, shaping is added to TMP, you can manually re-order the ‘ि’ where in this case the text would render correctly.

Besides shaping, many languages require the use of OpenType font features such as Ligatures, Diacritical Marks, etc.

Here is an example of this

In terms of these font features, support for Diacritical Marks and Ligatures was recently added to the latest preview release of TMP which is version 3.2.0-pre.2. Currently the tables for Ligatures and Diacritical Marks need to be manually populated but these will be automatically populated in a future release of the Unity Editor.

Here is an example text rendering in TMP using both re-ordering and font features.

So we are not there yet for support for Hindi but getting much closer. For Arabic, there is a free asset called RTLTMPro which handle to glyph re-ordering. I believe there are / is a similar asset for Hindi text as well that works with TMP. Using these assets in combination with the newer releases of TMP with support for Diacritical Marks and Ligatures should get you pretty close to full support for Hindi text.