Hey guys,
I am working on my gun script and basically when i shoot objects i want particles to come out. For example if i shoot wood it will shoot out a wood particles. Now i have the basic done basically i have said if the hit variable its a rigid body display the sparks. Now how do i tell the hit to only display different particles when it hits objects with tags. For example if i hit a player called DING and i say hit.collider.gameObjec.tag == “DING” then do something. Now this is not working for me can someone please help me thank you so much in advance
Please note the code that does the above is in ** Broken up using the lines **
Thank you once again MCHALO
var Range : float = 1000;
var Force : float = 1000;
var Clips : int = 20;
var BulletPerClip : int = 60;
var RelaodTime : float = 3.3;
var Damage : int = 10;
var MoveSpeed: float = 1;
var BulletsLeft : int = 0;
var ShootTimer : float = 0;
var ShootCooler : float = 0.5;
public var ShootAudio : AudioClip;
public var ReloadAudio : AudioClip;
public var muzzleFlash : ParticleEmitter;
public var hitParticles : ParticleEmitter;
public var muzzleFlashTimer : float = 0;
public var KeyCooler : float = 0.5;
public var KeyTimer : float = 0;
public var muzzleFlashCooler : float = 0.5;
public var Lights1 : GameObject;
public var Lights2 : GameObject ;
public var Lights3 : GameObject;
//var PlayerPos : Transform;
//var RadarCam : Transform;
// //var Finder: Transform;
//var CamFinder: Transform;
public var hitParticlesBlood : ParticleEmitter;
function Start(){
// PlayerPos.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,96.93118,0);
// PlayerPos.position = Finder.position;
//RadarCam.position = CamFinder.position;
BulletsLeft = BulletPerClip;
muzzleFlash.emit = false;
DefaultPos = transform.localPosition;
hitParticles.emit = false;
hitParticlesBlood.emit = false;
function Update () {
//PlayerPos.rotation = mainPos.rotation;
//PlayerPos.position = Finder.position;
//RadarCam.position = CamFinder.position;
if( KeyTimer > 0){
KeyTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if( KeyTimer < 0){
KeyTimer= 0;
if( muzzleFlashTimer > 0){
muzzleFlashTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if( muzzleFlashTimer < 0){
muzzleFlashTimer = 0;
if( ShootTimer > 0){
ShootTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(ShootTimer < 0){
ShootTimer = 0;
if( KeyTimer == 0){
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F) && BulletsLeft ){
if( ShootTimer == 0){
ShootTimer = ShootCooler;
KeyTimer = KeyCooler;
if( muzzleFlashTimer == 0){
muzzleFlashTimer = muzzleFlashCooler;
MuzzleFlash ();
function MuzzleFlash (){
if( muzzleFlashTimer > 0){
muzzleFlash.emit = false;
Lights1.active = false;
Lights2.active = false;
Lights3.active = false;
if( muzzleFlashTimer == muzzleFlashCooler){
muzzleFlash.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.value * 360 * 2000000, Vector3.forward);
muzzleFlash.emit = true;
Lights1.active = true;
Lights2.active = true;
Lights3.active = true;
function RayShoot (){
//GameObject.Find("m1911pistoleReloadandShooting").animation.Play("Shoot"); //(if your player has animations then remove the // infront of the GameObject.Find and then
//(replace your objetcs name there. and then the animation name)
var hit : RaycastHit;
var direction : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection( Vector3.forward);
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position , direction * Range , Color.blue);
if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position , direction , hit, Range)){
var hitRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal);
hitParticles.transform.position = hit.point;
hitParticles.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal);
hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition( direction * Force , hit.point);
hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage" , Damage , SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){
if( hitParticlesBlood){
hitParticlesBlood.transform.position = hit.point;
hitParticlesBlood.transform.localRotation =Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, hit.normal);
BulletsLeft --;
if(BulletsLeft < 0){
BulletsLeft = 0;
if( BulletsLeft == 0 ){
function Reload (){
yield WaitForSeconds(0.2);
//GameObject.Find("m1911pistoleReloadandShooting").animation.Play("Reload"); //(if your player has animations then remove the // infront of the GameObject.Find and then
//(replace your objetcs name there. and then the animation name)
yield WaitForSeconds( RelaodTime);
if(Clips > 0){
BulletsLeft = BulletPerClip;
Clips -= 1;
function PlayShootAudio(){
audio.PlayOneShot( ShootAudio);
function PlayReloadAudio(){
audio.PlayOneShot( ReloadAudio);