
I have promised that I have to send an image of my version of putting hitCollider of weak and medium and strong because it is this

and I have to put the type tag of the Collider,
I’m feeling that adding a new hit collider from weak and medium and strong is a big saver when exporting to the game
apply it to ryu
can it be scripted to create float?

How to report your problem productively in the Unity3D forums:


This is the bare minimum of information to report:

  • what you want
  • what you tried
  • what you expected to happen
  • what actually happened, especially any errors you see
  • links to documentation you used to cross-check your work (CRITICAL!!!)

You may edit your post above.

If you post a code snippet, ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS:

How to use code tags: Using code tags properly

This might be a language barrier thingy, but i have no idea what OP is asking at all. Google translate got pretty good, so you might be better of writing the question in your native language and having it translated automatically.


Also a duplicate of this: 2.5D Small Fighting Game From Zero and I Need Your Help

thousands sorry, I don’t want to repeat what he wrote, I just wanted to do it quickly.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class HitColider : MonoBehaviour
    public string punchName;
    public float damage;

    public Fighter owner;

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        Fighter somebody = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Fighter>();
        if (owner.attacking)
            if (somebody != null && somebody != owner)

here is my script i wanted to create new post which is about hitcolider only,
I want to create a new hitcolider script and the truth is that I am new to the unity forum,
And if I know how to program but I can’t understand it 100%

you may have errors in this script.

do i have to delete my post? So how am I going to know how to solve or answer what to do, for example “hitcolider weak and medium and strong” I can save my question that I am making a fighting game?

Why would you need to do that?

I don’t understand.

The problem is the language barrier here. I personally don’t understand what you’re asking.

Ignoring that, you posted an image that is so low resolution that nobody can even see it. You MUST know that, that’s not a language barrier.

This maybe?


The “owner” has an attack damage. Set it to be “weak”, “strong” etc?

Total guess what you’re asking.

is to follow a tutorial that is Spanish as well as English is this:

It is this:

I mean, it’s weak fist increases 5, while medium fist increases 12, while strong fist increases 20, that’s what I want to do and I don’t eat, and it’s not a language

I don’t know how it detects 3 type collider

here is a big one.

8500694--1131926--Captura de pantalla 2022-10-06 201500.png

if there is an idea let me know.

The hit-collider may be referenced on the object, and asked whether or not On Collision it was that specific collider.
It may be that traditional collision method is not employed but a bounds intersect is used.

Here is an old fighter i made, just getting myself stuck into for fun :eyes:

Did you make a 2D SF remake before?

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This game is very fast and it is difficult, I would like to make a difficulty menu, the truth is that I came to know how to make a type of hitcolider strong, medium and weak, your game is very good, I want to see your project and learn, the truth is that I did not do 2d, I only download ellen who is 2d to do the test.

I’m going to make Ellen (2d) look like in Street Fighter (I’ll do the example for Ellen 2d).

       if (collision.collider.name == "Chest")
            //Output the message
            Debug.Log("Chest is here!");

Oh my game is buggy as hell from 2019. But I based a lot of the idea from street fighter. I forget how to play. The performance is insane though. But the fps is uncapped. I think the main thing I was doing at the time was making sure the animations and controls were working.

I also moved into making a side mode for the game

3D is a lot harder to manage the rendering and material vs Lighting cost. As the games are prototype that we could never legally make any money from they are allowed to be a little slouch here and there. All my characters had a unique script. With unique ai and unique controls. The hit box on mecha sonic did change but they were simple like this is my vulernable zone and this is my damage zone. I couldn’t get the graphics to make something like mortal kombat but I think that would be the next step. But anyway my project is buggy and horrible and the scene setup is awful so I’d have to make it all again, but it just unfortunately is not worth it for me right now

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we improve everything one day longer still, it is the reason that I am going to make a small fighting game but everything recommends me to make a platform game and I have no idea and only a fighting game occurs to me, yes, I am looking for strong medium and weak hitcolider in this publication my idea is to increase the float, I’ll explain, if I press keyboard “Q” the float increases by 1.0f, if on the contrary, if I press keyboard “E” the float increases to 2.0f that it’s my idea