I have a scene that uses a Compute Shader to do some post processing. The scene uses RenderTextures and this function is called in the OnRenderImage callback.
Hi @Nik_Dobx , did you happen to make any progress on this one? I am running into a similar issue as well. I’m running on an Apple M2 Max chip, I was wondering if that is one of the problems.
Ok, so I was able to resolve the issue. In my shader I had a variable for a
RWTexture2D<float4> output;
I updated my C# code to pass the variable name from the error, so instead of “output”, I put:
This resolved the error. This is less than ideal, I have a machine running Windows 11 and I didn’t need to make this change. After playing with several different shader examples, the cleanest way around this problem is to just not use the variable name “output”. I updated all of them to be “newOutput” instead and the error went away.
I’ll file an issue on the hlsl cross compiler repo about the problem and put a link to the issue here once I file it. I am running 2022.3.8f1 LTS. One thing that bothers me is that this only seems to impact the RWTexture2d when there is a variable name of “output”, all other properties are working as normal.