I want to find all scene that a particular MonoBehaviour on any GameObject. My first plan was to convert all scenes to text serialization and do text search, but That always crashes my Editor with a request for an addition 16GB of ram to convert a Texture2d. Any other methods maybe using AssetDatabase to search Scenes?
I am porting a project with limited support from original code.
500+ scenes.
C# but I don’t see why the language matters.
I am just trying to find them in the editor.
I change the serialization on a smaller project to Force text and looked a the *.unity files. In those I can see the GUID for each monobehaviour attached to an object. with AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath or AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID depending which your going I could find out what Scripts are used in each scene. At worst I could do a quick text search from outside unity. I was hoping to get the information visible in a *.unity file when saved as text from AssetDatabase calls.