[Hobby][Art] Looking for 2D Artist for trippy coloring game

Hello everyone. I make games and apps in Unity as a hobby. Here are some of my games:Tudor G. Munteanu I also teach Unity sometimes, here are some of my lessons: https://www.youtube.com/@llamawithak47

I’m looking for a 2D artist, especially one that makes abstract art. I want to create a trippy coloring game. Basically you select the colors for the art and then a trippy animation is enabled (when all colors are filled).

Here is an example I made of how the animations should look (the quality of the last one is bad for some reason, only when I record): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0_e_Xu2Xz8&ab_channel=LlamaWithAK47

This project is for fun and to build a portfolio.

If you’re interested, contact me with some of your art.

My Discord: llamawithak47

My Discord Server: Unity With Llama

My Email: tgm.xlandc@gmail.com

If for some reason you can’t reach me, leave your contacts in the comments here.