Hockey puck gets "sucked" to corners

I’m using a scaled cylinder for the hockey puck which has a capsule collider, but I assume it’s fine because I ignore movements over Y axis.

In the video I’ve created a physics material with bounciness 1 and friction 0, the puck has mass 1 and drag 0.2, but once the puck is slow instead of bouncing it gets sucked to the corners:

I’ve tried playing with all these settings, friction, drag, mass, collision detection & interpolation and others but can’t seem to find the problem. Could it be the capsule collider? or is this some physics engine quirk I’m not aware?

Any ideas appreciated.

check if this fixes it

Most hockey rinks doesn’t have sharp corners. :slight_smile:

perfect, exactly what I needed. I hadn’t realized this setting exists: project settings → physics → bounce threshold. changed from 2 to 0.02 and it works perfectly.

thanks. but it’s not really hockey, it’s lesser-known sling-puck :slight_smile: