HoldToRepeat function in input System

trying to make a gun programming, everything is done execpt for the gun shooting being automatic.

    [Header("Gun Stats")]
    public float dammage, range, reloadtime, spread;
    public int magazinesize;
    int bulletsleft, bulletShot;

   public float firerate;


    bool  Realoding, HoldShoot, ReadyShoot, AUTO;

    public bool NOTauto;


    private Camera cam;
    public Transform attackpoint;
    public LayerMask WhatIsDammageble;
    public TextMeshProUGUI text;

    // Update is called once per frame

    void Awake()
      cam = GetComponent<LookAround>().cam;

        bulletsleft = magazinesize;
        text.SetText(bulletsleft + "/" + magazinesize);
        ReadyShoot = true;
     void Update()

        text.SetText(bulletsleft + "/" + magazinesize);

    public virtual void ShootFuction()
        if (Realoding == false && bulletsleft > 0 && ReadyShoot == true)
            text.SetText(bulletsleft + "/" + magazinesize);
            ReadyShoot = false;

            RaycastHit hit;

            Ray raypos = new Ray(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward);
            if (Physics.Raycast(raypos, out hit, range))
                Debug.Log("HIT" + hit.collider.gameObject.name);

                IDammagble damageable = hit.collider.GetComponent<IDammagble>();
                if(damageable != null)
             Invoke("ResetShot", firerate);

    public virtual void Shoot()
        if (NOTauto == false)
            InvokeRepeating("ShootFuction", 0 ,firerate);

    public  void StopShooting()
        ReadyShoot = true;

    public virtual void ResetShot()
        ReadyShoot = true;
        Debug.Log("is reaady to shoot");

    public void  Reload()
    { if (bulletsleft < magazinesize)
            Realoding = true;

            Debug.Log("beggining Realoaidng");

 public   IEnumerator Realodtime()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadtime);
        Realoding = false;
        bulletsleft = magazinesize;
        Debug.Log("finnished Realoding");
        text.SetText(bulletsleft + "/" + magazinesize);



Cooldown timers, gun bullet intervals, shot spacing, rate of fire:

GunHeat (gunheat) spawning shooting rate of fire:

thank you very much, i shall try your ideas onto my game now