Holens2 and vuforia?

Hello everyone,

I am developing an AR app for HoloLens 2, but I am facing an issue. I already have experience with Vuforia to overlay holograms on real objects, and it works perfectly with Android. My apps for HoloLens 2 using MRTK3 also work well. However, in my Unity project (2022.3.32f1) configured with MRTK 3, when I add the Vuforia Engine (10.28.4), it works in Play Mode with the PC webcam, but when I run the app on the HoloLens, nothing happens, as if the real object were not there.

How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you so much!


There’s a couple of things you could try. I would recommend trying Vuforia’s digital eyewear sample. If targets track without problem in the sample, you can compare the settings and setup to see if you missed anything. The other part is to check the Unity logs if the ModelTargetBehaviour was created; it should tell you if Vuforia detects your object.

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What specific settings or configurations in Unity should I verify to ensure that Vuforia can successfully detect and track real objects when running on HoloLens 2?

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