Hologram Effect

Anyone got any tips on how to create such an effect on an 3d model?

It’s really cool :wink:

Moving this to the Shader section where you’ll most likely get more help.

Some holographic view effects are in my shader replacement pack.

do you need Pixel Shader 1.0 or higher for that? cause i am mising that… :frowning:

If you are specifically talking about the holograms in my pack, it does the color calculation in vertex shader and there is no need for pixel shader. But its there for compatibility anyways.

Thnx for the reply, but your hologram effect doesn’t have the light like in the youtube video going left/right.
That was wat I really liked about it :smile:

Actually, it does have that effect. It is visible when in motion and is calculated depending on the angle between surface normal and camera direction.

do the shaders in your pack only influence every object in the scene or can they be applied to specific objects.
So for example I could have a command and control room with a ships hologram in the middle but everything else uses normal textures?

Also would just like to say that your camera effects pack is awesome!

replacement effects are ordinary shaders with only a few specifics. You can also make a material out of them and apply to 1 or more objects in your scene like you do to any other shader.

EDIT: I remembered i also posted a free hologram effect to the forums, search for it as well.

EDIT2: Also, i see you bought some of my packages, you can always ask for customized shaders for specific needs from me through the email adress mentioned in the readme files. And i do that whenever i have free time:)

I’d try to make the polygons visible, or add a texture with “fake polygons”.

You want to do a few simple things in the shader to make this happen.

Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
Cull Off
ZWrite Off
ZTest Lequal

Blend - how does this material blend with the colors in front and behind it? Play with different options for different effects.

Options (You always set two) : SrcAlpha, SrcColor, DstAlpha, DstColor, OneMinusSrcAlpha, OneMinusDstAlpha, One, Zero

ZWrite - This controls how the shader output mixes with the scene depth buffer - Turning it on and off makes different effects possible (turning it on here causes some polys to block other polys and make the blend look weird)

ZTest - This controls how stuff is drawn front to back

Cull - This controls whether or not you remove polys based on what direction they face. You can use it to draw only the inside of objects, cut off the back, or draw double sided.

Options: Off, Front, Back

There’s lots more info on the Unity Shader Wiki