My application it’s holograms are not stable, they are sort of bouncy when walking around. The application itself renders at 60 FPS (as I can tell from a FPS counter, and from the device portal). What could be the cause of this? How can I make the holograms more stable. Ofcourse the details of the application are not known, but I don’t know where to look in order to make a more stable experience.
Thank you for pointing this out. It is not jittering, I have seen this in other issues, but more sort of the holograms are not fully fixed at the given position and moving along with the movement of the device. There is not so much RGBG separation of the holograms. I am using Unity 2017.2.0f3 along with the MixedRealityToolkit from Microsoft.
As we have multiple devices, we notice there is a big difference in this ‘moving’ between the devices, for which I only know the space in which the device operates is not being tracked correctly. What I did notice though is that the ‘Holograms’ application seems to be far more stable. Using WorldAnchors on certain objects didn’t help.
Any updates on this issue? I am experiencing the same thing. I have tested on multiple headsets using 2018.2.3f1. Some headsets do seem to keep the holograms in place better than others and they are running the same OS versions. I am at 60fps, using stabilization plane, world anchors, just rendering 4 cubes, and using holotoolkit shaders. The holograms move with the user slightly, I would say 1 inch for every 2 feet the user moves (this varies a lot probably 1-3 inches)