Thanks for investigating this, JimmiKaelKael. Will let you know if it worked for us too.
@Unity developers.
Your native AO feature sucks balls, HBAO from this guy right here is literally thé AO solution for all developers. Why are you making it harder for asset store devs like this?
This has been brought up to your attention months, if not years ago – WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THIS?
Really fed up with this engine and underwhelming native features.
Are there any performance gains depending on mode “normal” vs “lit AO” and the different blur modes? I suspect blur typ “none” and narrow is cheaper than “extra wide”?
Looks like what we see is your floor normal texture mipmapping (we see transition between 2 mip levels). Check around your normal texture settings and format (green channel flip?) but it seems on top of that you are really exagerrating the AO.
Thank you! Didn’t know that the normal map’s mipmap is what’s making this issue. Yes we’re exaggerating the AO just for the video, so can see it more clearly.
Hi, I’m trying to update my Unity 6 project to use RenderGraph : I’ve updated HBAO to the latest version & reimported the URP package, but hbao is not rendering correctly- It looks as if the normal buffer is not being used correctly. This is in URP deferred Windows11. Are there any set-up steps I’m missing ?
I can’t see any HBAO passes in the render graph viewer. I can see that hbao is doing ‘something’, it’s just not correct (liek the non-graph pipeline)
Hi HBAO URP has a Mode setting (Normal or Lit AO) which seems undocumented currently.
I guess it is fairly easy to understand but perhaps could be added in future?
The other thing is if you apply the Normal settings preset could it actually set the values shown to the default so you know what you are over-riding from?
It seems a bit odd that applying any other preset sets them all but not Normal.