Horizontal and vertical slider

Hello there devs,

I am trying to make a store with horizontal and vertical slider. But since I am developing for mobile it is not easy to to swipe when you touch on horizontal.

Here is the system:






-Powers (NoScrollRect)

-InGameMoney (NoScrollRect)


In case if you are going to share this : https://forum.unity.com/threads/nested-scrollrect.268551/?_ga=2.197941990.891165535.1585784603-895913883.1582736767

which is ScrollRectEx it didnot work for me it makes only skins scrollrect move horizontal and vertical not panel so I cant scroll to other objects in the panel.
I need to move Store vertical and when I’m on horizontal panel like skins if I scroll vertical even if its on the panel it should scroll up or down. Any ideas ?

note: Sorry for bad drawing not an artist.

@MagisterTerran I want to thank you.
I have solved my problem using your link with ScrollRectEx.
Perhaps you looked closely at the script. He does his job perfectly.
The only thing that was required was to delete the old ScrollRest script and add ScrollRestEx and repeate the settings.