Hello there devs,
I am trying to make a store with horizontal and vertical slider. But since I am developing for mobile it is not easy to to swipe when you touch on horizontal.
Here is the system:
-Powers (NoScrollRect)
-InGameMoney (NoScrollRect)
In case if you are going to share this : https://forum.unity.com/threads/nested-scrollrect.268551/?_ga=2.197941990.891165535.1585784603-895913883.1582736767
which is ScrollRectEx it didnot work for me it makes only skins scrollrect move horizontal and vertical not panel so I cant scroll to other objects in the panel.
I need to move Store vertical and when I’m on horizontal panel like skins if I scroll vertical even if its on the panel it should scroll up or down. Any ideas ?
note: Sorry for bad drawing not an artist.