horizontal mirror

I’m having troubles in making a reflective ground.
i’ve tried
realtime and static cubemaps, and in the latter one moved/rotated/scaled the dummy object(rather than the original one) and the reflection isn’t accurate at all

then i got into the mirror shader, but can’t get rid of the Y Up axis limitation (my object, and my scene, have all a Z UP axis)
maybe i’m drowning in a glass of water, (no luck with that shader too :slight_smile: but can’t accomplish to make horizontal plane reflection in any way.

thanks for your time :slight_smile:

this is the result with both static and realtime, i tried to avoid the temporary camera deletion, in the realtime cubemap script, just to debug and understand it’s position. being able to do so, would be a nice start.[/img]

okok i managed to do it :slight_smile:
and i’d like to share it, as a minimal repay, since you’ve all been so kind :slight_smile:

thanks to the great MirrorReflect2 shader on the wiki
and having enough sleep by my side to notice
that i had to change the Vector3 normal = transform.forward;
in order to follow my UP axis :slight_smile:
then, added an Addictive reflective shader, et voila’, wonderful reflections :slight_smile:

ok now, enough with happy dances… what if i would like to add a bumpmap to this very “short” (i’m not comfortable in calling it easy, since it’s not for me :))

Shader "ADD_REFL" { 
Properties { 
    _Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) 
    _ReflectionTex ("Reflection", 2D) = "white" { TexGen ObjectLinear } 
Subshader { 
    Blend One One 
    ZWrite Off 
    Pass { 
        SetTexture[_ReflectionTex] { 
            matrix [_ProjMatrix] 
            constantColor [_Color] 
            combine texture * constant 

thanks again for your time :slight_smile: