Horrible code in Vector3

Hi gys!
You makin great product. Can you teach me …
How can i tutotr juniors for good code principles when i see in Unity terrible code samples, like

public static Vector3 SmoothDamp(
      Vector3 current,
      Vector3 target,
      ref Vector3 currentVelocity,
      float smoothTime,
      [DefaultValue("Mathf.Infinity")] float maxSpeed,
      [DefaultValue("Time.deltaTime")] float deltaTime)
      smoothTime = Mathf.Max(0.0001f, smoothTime);
      float num1 = 2f / smoothTime;
      float num2 = num1 * deltaTime;
      float num3 = (float) (1.0 / (1.0 + (double) num2 + 0.479999989271164 * (double) num2 * (double) num2 + 0.234999999403954 * (double) num2 * (double) num2 * (double) num2));
      float num4 = current.x - target.x;
      float num5 = current.y - target.y;
      float num6 = current.z - target.z;
      Vector3 vector3 = target;
      float num7 = maxSpeed * smoothTime;
      float num8 = num7 * num7;
      float num9 = (float) ((double) num4 * (double) num4 + (double) num5 * (double) num5 + (double) num6 * (double) num6);
      if ((double) num9 > (double) num8)
        float num10 = (float) Math.Sqrt((double) num9);
        num4 = num4 / num10 * num7;
        num5 = num5 / num10 * num7;
        num6 = num6 / num10 * num7;
      target.x = current.x - num4;
      target.y = current.y - num5;
      target.z = current.z - num6;
      float num11 = (currentVelocity.x + num1 * num4) * deltaTime;
      float num12 = (currentVelocity.y + num1 * num5) * deltaTime;
      float num13 = (currentVelocity.z + num1 * num6) * deltaTime;
      currentVelocity.x = (currentVelocity.x - num1 * num11) * num3;
      currentVelocity.y = (currentVelocity.y - num1 * num12) * num3;
      currentVelocity.z = (currentVelocity.z - num1 * num13) * num3;
      float x = target.x + (num4 + num11) * num3;
      float y = target.y + (num5 + num12) * num3;
      float z = target.z + (num6 + num13) * num3;
      float num14 = vector3.x - current.x;
      float num15 = vector3.y - current.y;
      float num16 = vector3.z - current.z;
      float num17 = x - vector3.x;
      float num18 = y - vector3.y;
      float num19 = z - vector3.z;
      if ((double) num14 * (double) num17 + (double) num15 * (double) num18 + (double) num16 * (double) num19 > 0.0)
        x = vector3.x;
        y = vector3.y;
        z = vector3.z;
        currentVelocity.x = (x - vector3.x) / deltaTime;
        currentVelocity.y = (y - vector3.y) / deltaTime;
        currentVelocity.z = (z - vector3.z) / deltaTime;
      return new Vector3(x, y, z);

where is that code from? ilspy?

unity c#

Rider shows

Unity3d 2020.3.17

Oh. now I see. It fixed in newest versions.
Thank you.
Great sample!
Will show it my juniors :slight_smile:

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Keep in mind that this is not the exact code that was written by Unity’s dev team: this is a decompilation of the final IL bytecode reconstructed into C#, so it can look odd because the compiler can add/remove certain things. The link posted by mgear shows the original code.