Hello, I am currently making a First Person Horror Survival game using blender and unity, this here is just a small scene in progress…
You can press the left mouse button to shoot, else you cant do anything so far xp…
feel free to comment!
568999–20236–$TestScene.zip (21.4 KB)
…I forgot to mention that you have to press the “1” key to bring up the shotgun, before you can shoot…
? Hi there,
You cant just attach a 21KB test scene… you need to post the web player version online for us to experience your game in action…
My old VIC20 had 3.5k, your game is waaaay too big to run on that.
You are very right, thanks for that tip! It is late at night, and I am feeling very tired xD
Here is the webPlayer version of this little scene…thanks to robbiedingo for keeping me awake…xD
569062–20239–$Demo.zip (1.6 MB)
Maybe a few pics as well?
A few pics will come later in the moment I just have a room with the main player…thats not very much…