So I am working on a multiplayer game and testing it with Multiplayer Play Mode. I am starting the host on the main editor, and using a virtual player as a client. On the client I noticed really high latency (about a second) and server side movement is lagging as if I have a really low framerate, but when I look up and down, witch is done client side it is smooth. On the client I have 30fps, but when I check the server, it says 2fps. when I switch focus to the server, it goes up to 30 fps and the client framerate drops. I think either windows it throttling the server when it is not in focus, or unity is doing it. I tried changing the priority in task manager but that doesn’t seem to effect it. I have tried parallel sync and it has the same problem. I don’t want to build the game then put it on a separate computer every time I want to test something. I am running on Windows 11. Can I make multiplayer play mode or parallel sync make the other editor instance on another computer? or is there a different solution that wouldn’t require me to build the game on another computer to test it?
Since the throttling of a background window happens in both MPPM and Parrel, I would assume this is a system issue. Check your graphics driver for anything suspicious, such as settings that prefer to save power rather than optimizing for performance.
In MPPM, regardless of the “run in background” or any other setting (ie interaction mode), the virtual players should run and render simultaneously with the other players and main editor.
Perhaps your system is simply not powerful enought to render two windows at the same time. If you have just 30 fps in the editor that seems awfully low already. What are your system specs?
I am using an old laptop so it’s not very good.
CPU: Intel Core i5-8265U running at 1.6 GHz
GPU: intel UHD 620 integrated graphics.
I also have an old dell PC, but the GPU is worse. Here are its specs:
CPU: Intel i7-7700 running at 3.60 GHz
RAM: 32 GB
GPU: AMD FirePro W2100
The PC is a lot better, except for the GPU that came out in 2014. I have been thinking about buying a better GPU for it, but I don’t want to spend that money right now. Is there some way I could have one instance on my laptop and one instance on my PC using parallel sync or MPPM without having to build the game every time?
Yep, those GPUs are pretty low end.
You can simply connect two editors by entering regular playmode.
I mean just like you would with two builds.
I got it figured out using git. I made a test branch I push the project to when I want to test something, and I just pull it from my other computer and test it. You do need to let Unity through the firewall for it to work though.