Hey there,
You can use HotReloadLogging.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Disabled) to disable all Hot Reload logging.
Hey there,
You can use HotReloadLogging.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Disabled) to disable all Hot Reload logging.
I have an issue with Rider debugger.
While I use HotReload without debugging all works fine. But, when I changed C# file and HotReload recompiled changed code, when I try to use Rider debugger I am getting this warning:
and lose possibility to view variables values:
Only after press of Recompile button, Rider reload sources and debugger works fine again.
I’ve also gotten a number of crashes, freezes and other other issues when debugging with hot reload enabled.
When you breakpoint into a method that got modified by Hot Reload at runtime, you cannot access instance variables (this is an inherent limitation of our approach). However, you still have access to them in the variables window (via this
The limitation doesn’t apply to methods that were not changes with Hot Reload.
If you don’t experience similar issues when debugging without Hot Reload enabled, please send us your Unity crash logs. That will confirm that the issue is on our end and help us fix the issue. Regarding freezes, you might be able to pause the debugger and see where Unity gets stuck. If it’s stuck on Hot Reload, please send us the stack trace.
I will post it when it happens again.
In the meantime, it’s a bit annoying that the “recompile” button disappears when hot reload is turned off.
Let’s me explain:
The latest Hot Reload version has a Recompile Menu Item, which you can bind to a shortcut. That should help.
I’m not sure I follow exactly how this issue happens. When you add a new file/type, Hot Reload will automatically recompile (assuming the default setting). Perhaps it did but you didn’t notice it?
I would suggest moving this issue to our issue tracker and getting more info that would help us reproduce it: Issues · singularitygroup / Hot Reload For Unity · GitLab
I’ve recently switched to a new computer and need to revoke the license on the old one in order to use it on the new machine, how do I go about doing so?
Hey there,
Please email us at contact@hotreload.net using the email address assigned to the license.
Hi, Hot Reload is a great package! I just want to post echoing another user’s comment about support for ISystem. I’m working with Unity’s ECS a lot now and it would be great if Hot Reload supported my systems (and SystemBase).
Hi, I’m experiencing this issue with Hot Reload 1.12.14 and Multiplayer Play Mode 1.3.3. This is my first time trying Multiplayer Play Mode.
Issue reproduced in fresh URP projects both with 6000.0.23f1 and 6000.0.36f1 (latest point release). I just add Multiplayer Play Mode, which works as expected; but then I add Hot Reload, and now the MPP window is occupied by Hot Reload.
EDIT: Since deleting my library folder, it works in my real project. I had to delete it for other reasons.
Deleting the VP directory, restarting the editor and reactivating the virtual player should help.
We fixed the issue in the latest version, but the fix didn’t apply to Unity version upgrades.
Hi, can you specify which VP directory this is?
I repro’d it in new projects with both Editor versions.
Will reply in DM.
I saw that Hot Reload does not work with Photon, Mirror or external networking libraries.
I assume ALL Multiplayer is a no-go for hot reload then? Including Netcode For Gameobjects?
Even if i am writing game logic code locally on a single client?
It should work in projects with Photon/Mirror etc. but the networking code will not have effect.
There are workarounds that you can find in our Discord server, but they might be too restrictive to use.
Writing game logic code locally on a single client should work.
Any chance we will have support for hot reloading unit tests?
Even with hot reload, unity still does domain reloads and tree rebuilding every time I change the test file.
We haven’t explore adding support for unit tests yet but we will consider it.