Hover Raider - with procedurally generated tracks.

I’ve been working on this project since April 2018, probably I should’ve stated this thread since then, but here it is. I think a racing game is just as good as it’s AI and that’s the part I’ve been putting more effort on, as a matter of fact I’ve remade it 5 times from scratch already. Today I made a big step, as I finally was able to fully eliminate my dependency on the physics engine to “see the world”, so no more SphereCasts, no more Raycasts, pure mathematics. Also thanks to the new Job System I was able to keep the frame rate above 60FPS and sometimes even above 100FPS.

You can download a demo from itch.io, is just a demo, not even a pre-alpha, but is playable.

If you are interested in knowing a little bit about the history of the game please take a look at my YouTube channel.

Currently I’m still on heavy development on the AI, so I would pay more attention to comments on that specific topic, however any feedback of any kind is welcome.


I like a lot the futuristic look and feel.

Maybe to differentiate it more from other racers, and go with this futuristic vibe, you could loose a bit the physical realism of it, in favor of more adrenaline? More abrupt angle changes, less inertial forces, etc?

All in all, looking great so far, keep it on!

Thank you, there is still a lot of work to do on that department.

Good point. In the video above you can’t see it, but there’s a combat mode where you can shoot other competitors, I’m applying an “alternative physics” to the bullets, but that’s a bit simpler because I don’t have to care about orientation or steering… Need to think about it.

Thanks for the feedback.

I’m starting to work on the visuals.

Adding some procedural mountains.

Improving the environment…

Track #7

Moving to LWRP

Redesigned Combat Mode

New HUD + Radial Blur Effect.

Early access trailer

Preview of the new AI system

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Preview of the New AI system:

No collisions (on the first lap at least).

Preview of the new AI system:

Testing on a curved track:

I like where this is going man. The visuals have a slightly Cyberpunk-esque vibe to it which is really cool. Do you have a rough release date in mind?

Thank you!

A very, very rough date would be something between May and mid June… not really sure yet.

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Perfectly understandable, just wanted a rough idea :slight_smile: Good luck with the rest of the project. Looking forward to trying the final product :smile:

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Thank you Alpha Beta Gamer for the review:

Redesigning Tracks:

Please watch it on 4K for a more enjoyable experience.

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April 19th 2019 - Official Alpha trailer: