I am working on a fast paced hover vehicle action battle game. I have been working to get the movement and feel for the player tank down. This is my first foray into modeling any kind of physically based movement.
I am looking for some feedback on what I have so far. Please try the webplayer and give me your thoughts or suggestions.
Use the wasd keys to move the little guy around. Thanks a bunch.
The vehicle is being pulled back to the hovering height. The original version didn’t have this attraction force, but when moving at high speeds, the vehicle leaped from the ground and turned into a flying vehicle more so than hovering.
I will lessen the force pulling the vehicle down when midair and post the results. This is great feedback.
The controls actually feel pretty good to me. I too would suggest a little bobbing when standing still. Also, a slight bank when moving left or right and a slight pitch when moving forward or backward would give a nice effect.
Very cool! Nice smooth movement! When you create assets to interact with (enemies, pickups, monoliths buildings to slalom around) it’s going to be a whole lot of fun!
The controls are very nice. It is very easy to steer accurately. I think this would lend itself well to a vehicle combat game.
But I also agree about the force pulling you back to hover height being to noticeable, it makes it impossible to use geometry like a ramp. Also, I think you should be able to turn a little faster.
How did you accomplish the hovering? Is it a raycast?
I was struggling with just how to get the hovering working just right. I really didn’t have a clear picture of what exactly I wanted.
The hovering action is using a raycast. I have a gameobject attached to the ship for each point I want a thruster at. Currently I have 4 thrusters. In the script on each thruster, I get the hovering height at each point, then calculate my hovering force taking into account the height above ground and damping for a bouncy floaty action.
I am still trying to tweak things to get the feel just right. What if you had the ability to actively switch “ground hug” hovering on and off during the game? It could lead to some interesting gameplay. Or maybe use some type of falloff function so you could fly if you hit the jump just right. Some things to try out…
I am also trying to figure out how I can get the turning to be faster.
Apart from the already mentioned ground hogging thingie I really liked the handling of the hover-tank. To me it seems this behaviour was designed with the occasional small bumper in mind and not to look good when using Mt. Everest as a ramp, as it gets more awkward the higher it gets. Maybe you can take the steepness of the terrain into the formula somehow. Personally I’d also love to see the vehicle pitch a lot more when it’s high in the air and burry it’s nose in the ground if the impact is too heavy. Oh, and I can park on even the steepest slope :~)