how are camera animations typically done with unity?


I am fairly new to Unity… I have a 3D model with bone-based animations… I plan to write a simple app that will simply play back these animations in a random ordered sequence.

The first thing that I am wondering about is pertaining to the cameras in 3D space… How is this typically done with Unity?

What I am wanting to do is to plot a path for my cameras to move in and have them just continuously move along this path, and then have my game switch between cameras every X number of seconds (a cross dissolve between two angles would be excellent but I don’t know if this is possible?).

So, are movable cameras done via graphical plotting? Or is it done via code? Can anyone share some example project / code that might do something like this?



Both, you can code it or use the unity animation tools, see docs for those.

you can also have a look at iTween for Unity by Bob Berkebile (pixelplacement).

if you have only linear paths you can place 2 gameobjects as start + endpoint and attach a script to the camera which interpolates between those two points. with camera.lookat you can always look at the right direction.