How call or reset a variable from another Scene?

I do the tutorial Robot Repair and ClockTime. When the player win:

if(GUI.Button(Rect(10,40,80,20),“Play Again”))

When press Play again sent to Scene 1 “title”, if the player hit play,Load Level “game” the game start again but the clock start in the last time remaining. How reset the clock that is it another scene “game”

3 scripts
first title.js have the menu in “title” Scene
second clockScript.js and gameScript they are in “game” Scene

Time.time starts counting until you end your game,
use Time.timeSinceLevelLoad intead

so the code is
timeRemaining = startTime - Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;

You need to make the scripts you want to access’ GameObject survive a level load. You generally do this with DontDestroyOnLoad:

You can call DontDestroyOnLoad in your Script’s start method to ensure the script survives level-to-level.