How can display image by background color?

Hi guys!
I’m making a simple scene of a character and the background of this character can match the color of the background image. Thanks for all the help

*Character + Background

As per the documentation, the color in an Image drives vertex coloring, which for most vertex-color-aware shaders means this is multiplicatively handled, which is exactly what you are seeing. White multiplied by magenta is magenta.

Are you looking for some kind of hue-shifting shader perhaps?

Otherwise, how to report your problem productively in the Unity3D forums:

This is the bare minimum of information to report:

  • what you want
  • what you tried
  • what you expected to happen
  • what actually happened, especially any errors you see
  • links to documentation you used to cross-check your work (CRITICAL!!!)
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what u are trying to do is color correction it doesnt work like that youll have to do it manually in photoshop

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Thanks for all the help.
My problem has been solved. I followed this video

Thank you all

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I’ll move your post to the UI forum. So you know, the 2D forum isn’t related to UI for things like Canvas, RectTransform and UGUI stuff.

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