Hey everyone,
I’m having a Sprite with an Animator component and when I’m trying to access the AnimationState I’m getting this error:
ArgumentException: GetComponent requires that the requested component ‘AnimationState’ derives from MonoBehaviour or Component or is an interface.
This is the relevant code part:
Transform test = BIG_parent.transform.FindChild("big2D").gameObject.transform.FindChild("big_idle_0");
anim2dState = test.GetComponent<Animator>().GetComponent<AnimationState>();
I also tried test.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>().gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationState>();
or test.gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationState>();
or various combinations of these variants.
The class that contains this code inherits MonoBehaviour.
AnimationState apparently inherits from TrackedReference, which is depricated and has no documentation.
I can’t use the Animation component instead of the animator, because I need to be able to set the Speed parameter of the Animator to -1, and I need the AnimationState to access the AnimationState.length and AnimationState.time
I can post more code or information if you need it.
Thanks for your time.