How can I adjust line spacing for a font?

How can I adjust line spacing for a font? It is greyed out in the Font info

When I use word wrap, the lines are too far apart on most fonts. In 3DS Max, we can adjust both kerning and spacing for whatever font we choose.

Is there a way to do it in Unity or did they just show the parameters and grey them out to torture us?



You need to use GUIStyles/GUISkins.

GUIStyles have support for custom line heights.

Read about GUI Styles here:

The kerning value you see grayed out is only for use by custom fonts. You can't really control the auto-imported Unity ones very well.

You can change the spacing or the kerning if you create a editable copy of the font, you just have to click in the font (in the Assets panel), go to the gear icon of the Inspector panel and click “Create Editable Copy”. The new copy on the Assets panel has a parameter called “Line Spacing” that you can modify at will.