How can I call IEnumerator when a boolean is true?

I’m using the IEnumerator function and have had some issues with my if statement working:

IEnumerator Spawning()
        Debug.Log("Spawning being called...");
        if (GameObject.Find("FPSController").GetComponent<BoxCollide>().hitTrigger == true)
            Debug.Log("CUSTOMER SHOULD SPAWN!");
            while (countStop == false) {

                yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
                Debug.Log("Fisher Spawned!");

                if (counter >= 3){
                    countStop = true;



After some debugging, it turns out that my if statement actually works. This issue is actually the IEnumerator function being called as soon as I run my game. I need a way to call this IEnumerator function only when my hitTrigger == true, but I can’t seem to get anything to work.

Thanks in advanced.

I suggest looking into Unity Manual.

this might help you.
Long story short: If you want to call the Enumerator when your hitTrigger is true then do something like this :

if(hitTigger == true)
    Debug.Log("Spawning being called...");

But you should remove your first if-statement if you do so.

 IEnumerator Spawning()
             Debug.Log("CUSTOMER SHOULD SPAWN!");
             while (countStop == false) {
                 yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
                 Debug.Log("Fisher Spawned!");
                 if (counter >= 3){
                     countStop = true;