How can i change rotation direction when using RotateAround()?

Hi Everyone , i’m making a game in which there might be some sort oflying monsters , right now i’m moving it using nav mesh and using parenting to let them stay off the ground.
When it approaches the player it will start orbiting around , to do so like in the title i used rotateAround like this :

agent.transform.RotateAround (player.transform.position, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime*25f);


is there any way of controlling the direction of the rotation? say i want them to dodge and change direction when the player shoots ?
Thanks in advance and Excuse my mistakes (not mother tongue :slight_smile: )

The direction you specify in the second parameter (Vector3.up) is the axis in which the transform rotates around the position passed in the first parameter. In this case you have the monster rotating around the player on the up axis. If I am thinking of this correctly, this means your monsters will rotate horizontally around the player. To change the direction you just have to change the rotation axis and the angle (being positive or negative).