How can I change the camera's POV in Unity


Hello everyone,

I’m working on a top-down game in Unity and I want to dynamically adjust the camera’s point of view (POV) when my player moves.

I have the following code to change the camera position:

private void ChangeCameraPOV()
    if (playerMovementScript != null && playerPosition != null && playerMovementScript.movement.magnitude > 0)
        Camera.main = Camera.main.pov;

However, I’m not sure how to actually change the camera’s POV. Is there a way to modify the POV, and what should I keep in mind while doing so?

I would appreciate any help or resources you can recommend!

Thank you in advance!

check Camera API docs,

there is this,

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I just wanted to say a big thank you for your help with my camera POV issue in Unity! Your advice really made a difference, and I appreciate it.

Thanks again!