How can I change the controls of a game in a certain area?

I want to create a game that plays with expectations. I currently have a level with a path, it is easy to walk a path but it can become challenging when in certain area’s the controls are mirrored, the speed of the character suddenly changes or the entire screen will flip 180 degrees. I don’t have much experience in Unity therefor I was hoping maybe someone here knows how to do this.

Thanks in advance.

Create a trigger area. When the player enter or exit the trigger area, the trigger area does something.

The “something” it does, could be to rotate or flip the camera, mirror controls or change character speed.

To create a trigger that does one of these things you need three things:

  1. A game object for your trigger area
  2. A collider on the trigger area game object, set to be trigger
  3. A script on the trigger area game object that implements OnTriggerEnter/Stay/Exit

If the trigger can’t be triggered by anything but the player, consider setting up collision layers or using tags to identify if the player entered the area. Once you know a player entered the area, either send a message or event to the player to modify input, or set a trigger/bool on an animator for your camera to make it rotate or flip the way you want.

Thank you for your reply, I eventually managed to get it working in a different way.