How can i copy economy configurations from development to production environment?

I want to copy the economy configuration from the development to the production environment, but, I am not able to figure out the exact steps.
Can someone help me with this?


Can you take a look at the answer posted here and see if it helps?

With the ugs cli, its a few steps:

mkdir myEconomyConf
# get the configuration
ugs fetch myEconomyConf -s economy --reconcile
# move it to prod
ugs deploy myEconomyConf -e production

This is also doable straight from the editor, for more details in my previous answer


Sorry man i am not getting that, is that fetching a file on my pc or on the beckend? if it is on my PC how can i create a economy file? if it is on backend which path i have to set?

To create an entry into the economy it is better to use the economy dashboard.
I created many entries for development and wanted to copy those to production but didn’t find an easy way for the same.
By using ugs cli I managed to copy those.
The steps are basically as follows :

// To create a directory somewhere on your disk.
mkdir prodConfig

// Fetch config for economy from development environment into your newly created folder
ugs fetch prodConfig -e development -s economy --reconcile

// Copy fetch config from folder to production environment
ugs deploy prodConfig -e production

Above steps will copy your economy config from development to production environment.
Hope that helps.


Yep i did it with the discord support people, thank you anyway, this is a helpfull guide