How can i create a autosave for mobile (android) so its saves and loads automatic

So i need a autosave that saves the last scene you where on. For Example i pressed play the play button takes me from MainMenu scene to Level1 scene. And when the level1 is completed to level2 scene. So how can i make it so when you close the game it starts up at scene Level2 (i can’t save it in my level select menu because i give the player acces to all levels and now when the game starts up again its goes to the MainMenu scene) So its needs to autosave and autoload scene Level2 so that the player does not have to remeber what level the where on. Because when it does that the player can play from Level2 then to Level3 etc… Hopefully you know what i mean. Because my native language is not english. Thank you for reading this text and helping me. Also if you know a c # for me i would be happy that you can give me this script. I am only a few months making games on Unity best regards Xavier

Have a look on playerpref or Json or binary serialisation

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Just use PlayerPrefs to save an integer for the level they need to load next time. When the game launches check if there is a saved level integer in PlayerPrefs, if there is load the corresponding level.