How can I create a simulator to run the game faster and still collide with all Triggers

I have a game where a character moves at 4x speed.

void Update
transform.postion += vector3.right * 4f * Time.deltaTime;

Every time the character collides with a “shop trigger” the player earn $1. (This is a simplification but I hope it should suffice, for the sake of explaining the problem at hand)

Now, I have created a simulator which runs at 50x speed instead of 4x speed. This is to find out how much time the player needs to reach $100.

void Update
    transform.postion += vector3.right * 4f * Time.deltaTime;
    transform.postion += vector3.right * 50f * Time.deltaTime;

However when I use 50x speed, the character misses the shop trigger quiet often (obviously) This defeats the purpose of creating a simulator.

Any suggestions on what I could be doing to create this simulator?

Thanks in advance.

You’re going so fast you are missing the colliders, you can try turning continuous collision on, it might be on for your player already, you can try making colliders bigger or thicker, but the best way it to use rays you draw a ray from your position to your previous position and check if there was a collision.