How can I create an AssetSearchFilter to find assets without a Collection assigned?

How can I create an AssetSearchFilter to find assets without a Collection assigned?

Stretch goal, how can I get an asset count of the filtered results?
await project.CountAssetsAsync(CancellationToken.None); is a little too coarse.

Hey Tony,
Sorry for the delayed answer!

You can use ‘/’ as a search string for the collection:

AssetSearchFilter assetSearchFilter = new AssetSearchFilter();

You can use a query builder like so:

GroupAndCountAssetsQueryBuilder queryBuilder = project.GroupAndCountAssets()
    .LimitTo(int.MaxValue); // By default, max 100 count per value is returned

// Select a filter to group by, here we're choosing to group assets by type.
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> results = await queryBuilder.ExecuteAsync(GroupableField.Type, CancellationToken.None);
foreach (var kvp in results)
    // Each kvp represents an asset type (key) and the count of assets for that type (value).

Hope this helps!

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Thanks Chafik! :wink: